Providing Trusted Home Care in Greenville SC & surrounding areas

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Get Started | Greenville | Heart of the Carolinas

Staying at home for as long as is possible can mean a great deal to anyone who develops care needs. Familiar surroundings can be therapeutic, and have been proven to enhance recuperation. However, when faced with an ongoing frailty or short-term recuperative care needs, it is important to consider a number of factors when trying to determine if in-home care will be appropriate for the particular situation. There is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to care.

In-home care helps a frail person to live independently for as long as possible, given the limits of his/her medical condition. It covers a wide range of services and can often delay the need for long-term nursing home care, or it can serve as an aging in place solution so a senior does not have to move out of the home.

Payment Options:

  • Private Pay
  • Medicaid
  • VA
  • Insurance

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