Providing Trusted Home Care in Greenville SC & surrounding areas

How Can Your Parent Prevent High Cholesterol?

Elder Care in Greer SC: Preventing High Cholesterol

Cholesterol on its own is not a bad thing. In fact, it is essential to the functioning of the body. Your body produces this waxy substance naturally in order to aid in the production of cells. When there is too much cholesterol in the blood, however, it can lead to problems. Excessive cholesterol in the […]

How Can Rehab Services Help Your Loved One After a Stroke?

Elder Care in Greer SC: Rehab After a Stroke

A stroke is often a sudden and debilitating condition for your loved one. Dealing with the aftermath of a stroke is complicated and you and your loved one may not be sure where to start. That’s where stroke rehabilitation services come in. Speech Therapy. Many people who suffer from a stroke have difficulty speaking as […]

April 26th is National Pretzel Day


Elder Care in Greer SC Pretzels have been a beloved salty snack for many people throughout the world for centuries.  In fact, they may have been invented as early as 610 A.D.  April 26th is National Pretzel Day, a day for people of all ages to celebrate this favorite snack which is now available in […]

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