Providing Trusted Home Care in Greenville SC & surrounding areas

Senior Home Care Helps Seniors Care For Pets

Senior Home Care Seneca, SC: Seniors and Pets

Seniors who have pets often worry about how they will take care of their pets if they develop a serious health condition or are unable to take their dog for walks or do the other physically demanding things that are necessary for pet care.

Is Foot Pain Troubling Your Dad?

Home Care Laurens, SC: Foot Pain

It’s estimated that about 25% of U.S. adults experience foot pain. When the pain is severe, it can make it difficult to walk around, climb stairs, or stand in place.

4 Luxury Gifts That Seniors Will Love

Personal Care at Home in Columbia, SC: Luxury Gifts

When you’re shopping for a senior parent try to find gifts that provide some type of comfort or luxury that your senior parent wouldn’t normally get for themselves.